HESPI Strategic Plan 2019-22

HESPI Strategic Plan 2019-22

HESPI Strategic Plan 2019-22 -------------------------------------------------------------------- The macro-economic performance of IGAD countries has varied over the past decade. In particular the growth performance of Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda was higher than the sub Saharan African countries annual average of 3-4 percent during 2012-16.  But the  progress recorded in some of  the  other IGAD countries was less impressive as demonstrated by lower annual growth rates, poverty prevalence, and limited progress in socio-economic development. Unemployment especially among…
The Prospects and Challenges of Islamic Microfinance in the IGAD Region

The Prospects and Challenges of Islamic Microfinance in the IGAD Region

The Prospects and Challenges of Islamic Microfinance in the IGAD Region -------------------------------------------------------------------- There is wide range of evidence-based research support that Islamic Microfinance (IsMF) or interest-free microfinance is found to be instrumental to reach the marginalized and religiously observant Islamic poor. The scheme prohibits paying pre-determined interest. It intends to meet the financial needs of interested Muslim borrowers with microloan models and products that comply with the sharia law (not making interest) and addressing their…
The Republic of South Sudan: Progress, Prospects and Challenges of Regional Integration in South Sudan

The Republic of South Sudan: Progress, Prospects and Challenges of Regional Integration in South Sudan

The Republic of South Sudan: Progress, Prospects and Challenges of Regional Integration in South Sudan ---------------------------------------------------------------- The purpose of this research is to assess the extent to which the Republic of South Sudan will likely benefit (in the short, medium and long-run) from joining any trading arrangements with the existing trading blocks in Africa, but particularly in one of those in Eastern Africa. This assessment is and should be anchored on the following salient features…
Assessment of Public Financial Management in South Sudan Based on Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability Framework (PEFA)

Assessment of Public Financial Management in South Sudan Based on Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability Framework (PEFA)

Assessment of Public Financial Management in South Sudan Based on Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability Framework (PEFA) ------------------------------------------------------------ This study assesses the economic environment surrounding public finance operations of the Government of the Republic of South Sudan (GSS); the institutions, laws, regulations, and standards used by the government in the PFM process; the budget planning and implementation and how these are intertwined; the government’s control system on how mobilized resources are channeled to their intended…